“A Pathetic Surrender”: Why Fox News Just Can’t Quit Donald Trump | Vanity Fair

The relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News has been tumultuous, to say the least. The network has struggled to balance its coverage of Trump while maintaining credibility with viewers who may not share his views. In many ways, the network has become a microcosm of the larger Republican Party’s struggles with Trumpism.

Fox News anchor Bret Baier has been one of the key figures in trying to navigate this delicate balance. He has been trying to court Trump for years, hoping to get exclusive access to the former president in order to boost ratings. When CNN announced details of their debate, Trump quickly agreed to participate in a Fox town hall. It seems clear that Trump wanted to outperform the CNN debate, knowing that high ratings would only help his campaign.

Despite the obvious benefits of having Trump on their network, some staffers at Fox are unhappy about the arrangement. They see the network falling in line behind Trump, just like most of the GOP. This has led to internal tensions and disagreements over how to cover Trump and his policies.

One of the main concerns is that Trump’s hardline rhetoric on issues like immigration and abortion may alienate moderate Republicans and Independents. There is also concern that Fox is becoming too sycophantic towards Trump, which could turn off viewers who want unbiased news coverage.

Despite these concerns, it seems likely that Fox will continue to give Trump a platform during the 2024 election cycle. The network knows that covering Trump generates high ratings and attracts attention. However, they may need to find a way to balance their coverage so that they don’t lose credibility with viewers who disagree with Trump’s policies.

In conclusion, the relationship between Donald Trump and Fox News is complex and fraught with tension. The network faces a difficult task in trying to appease all of its stakeholders while maintaining journalistic integrity. Only time will tell if they can successfully navigate this delicate balance.