‘And Just Like That’ Recap, Episode 3: Big Is Still Big

If you picked up on a bit of flirtation between her and Che right after their decidedly uncute meet in Episode 2, you might have been onto something.

In a sexy, showstopping move, Che shotguns a drag of weed smoke into Miranda’s mouth, nearly kissing her, and quite possibly shaking her to the core.

Che’s act offers an exciting counterpoint to such humdrum domesticity.

The wisdom layered within Che’s rowdy, raunchy set isn’t lost on Charlotte either, who takes mental notes between chuckles on how the message relates to her own life.

But during Che’s show, the vibe of acceptance and self-love pulsing through the crowd encourages Charlotte to follow her instincts and ensure that Rose feels supported.

the “idiot stick figure with no soul,” reappears and, to my own personal delight, so then does nutty, neurotic Carrie.

Early on in the episode, in the reading of Big’s will, Carrie finds out that her late husband has left a cool million to Natasha, his ex-wife.

She roots through her and Big’s apartment for clues and is taunted by a photo she finds in his wallet of Gogi, an old dog she never knew about.

In a demoralizing sequence of events, Natasha’s assistant lies to Carrie’s face, saying Natasha is in Rome as a means of shooing her out of the lobby, only for Carrie to see Natasha moments later in her office window.

They are both so startled that Carrie spills her hot drink and badly burns her hand.

She gives Carrie ice and some desperately needed closure, telling her that she and Big haven’t been in contact since their divorce.

Big not alerting his wife to the loaded line item in his will was wildly inconsiderate, which happens to be his signature trait.

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