Approaching Bitcoin With A Beginner’s Mind

I’m a long-time student of a spiritual practice that has 365 lessons to help us train our minds with a new way of seeing.

Lesson 189 asks us to, “Simply do this: Be still and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all images you hold about yourself.

Or perhaps we’ve been so culturally programmed our entire lives by fiat that we don’t recognize the cultural brainwashing we received about money.

Even sillier is the fact that almost all of us will vigorously deny that we worship it! However, if you’re honest with yourself, you will probably see this is true.

Simply do this: Be still and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what money is; all concepts you have learned about money and Bitcoin; all images you hold about yourself and your relationship to money.

My call to action is to recommend readers try this: Sit quietly for five or 10 minutes after reading the above and you will be ready to understand Bitcoin with a beginner’s mind.

One of the common refrains you hear from Bitcoiners is “stay humble; stack sats.” In my opinion, this exercise may offer you a way to stay humble and operate with a beginner’s mind.

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