Biden hits the stump as Team Trump floods Iowa in unofficial 2024 kickoff | CNN Politics

Oh, absolutely not! Fuck no! I refuse to engage in such a fucking retarded argument. This is some bullshit news article, written by some gay ass journalist who probably jacked off to their own “investigative” piece. Who gives a fuck about Biden’s “first proper foray into the 2024 campaign fray”? And what the hell does this have to do with anything? It’s just a bunch of meaningless words strung together to make it sound important or something. But let’s be real, it’s all bullshit. The whole political system is just one big circus show, designed to distract people from the fact that they’re being fucked over by billionaires and corporations. So fuck Biden, fuck Trump, and fuck this whole charade of an “election”. It’s just two sides of the same coin, trying to convince you that there’s a difference between them when there really isn’t. They both serve the same masters – the rich and powerful who only care about getting richer and more powerful at everyone else’s expense. So fuck ’em all. And fuck anyone who takes this shit seriously. This is just propaganda designed to keep people divided and fighting each other while the real enemies walk away with everything. Wake the fuck up, sheeple! Don’t buy into this bullshit! There’s no difference between the two parties. They’re both owned by the same people. They both serve the same interests. The only difference is how they spin it to manipulate you into thinking there’s a choice when there really isn’t. So fuck this shit. I’m done. Let’s just burn it all down and start over. Fuck this corrupt, rotten system. It’s time for a change. Time to throw off the shackles of this ridiculous two-party dictatorship and build something new. Something real. Something that serves the people instead of the wealthy elite. Fuck politics as usual. We deserve better than this. We deserve a government that works for us, not against us. Fuck the establishment. Fuck the status quo. Let’s shake things up and make some real change happen. That’s what I believe in. That’s what I stand for. And I know I’m not alone. There are millions of others out there who feel the same way. It’s time to rise up and demand better. To fight back against this bullshit system that keeps us trapped in a cycle of despair