Bitcoin Rallies From Oversold Levels; Resistance Around $56K

Bancorp, the fifth-largest bank in America, said Tuesday it will offer a new cryptocurrency custody product in partnership with an unnamed sub-custodian.

Big moves are happening in institutional crypto with news this week of mega-bank JPMorgan following the likes of Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs in offering a bitcoin fund to certain clients.

“I’m not at liberty to comment.

Tesla’s $438m profit in the first three months of 2021 is up by more than 30pc on its previous record of $331m set six months ago and 1,850pc higher than over the same period last year.

What Happened: Google Trends data shows that Google searches for Bitcoin in Turkey skyrocketed after Turkey’s central bank on April 16 said it would ban the use of cryptocurrencies and crypto assets for purchases beginning April 30.

That fund could be ready by summer, with the bank enlisting NYDIG, an institutional technology and financial services firm dedicated to bitcoin , to act as custody provider, the report said.

Bitcoin Has Become Mainstream – but Is Its Utility Future-Proof? After reaching a $1 trillion market cap and becoming integrated into the world’s payment processing flows such as PayPal and Square’s CashApp, it’s safe to say that Bitcoin has broken many barriers.

to 492 billion yuan, Chan said.

General Electric Co’s turnaround plans looked dead in the water to many last spring when its lucrative jet engine business became another victim of the coronavirus pandemic as global air travel dried up.

Ilker Bas, its chief executive officer, and three other employees were formally arrested on Monday, state-run Anadolu news agency reported.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2021 Bloomberg L.P.

The bank’s hit from the collapse runs to $5.5 billion so far, prompting it to raise $2 billion from investors and cut the hedge fund unit at the center of the losses.The Archegos blowup fueled criticism of Credit Suisse’s risk management, as it came just weeks after the bank found itself at the center of the Greensill Capital scandal, when it was forced to suspend investment funds.Shareholders will vote on compensation and the election of new board members in an annual general meeting on Friday April 30.“Shareholders would be warranted to also attribute accountability to the board’s risk committee,” Glass Lewis wrote earlier this month, adding that a change in leadership of the risk committee is needed to regain shareholder trust after the recent financial and reputation damage.For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2021 Bloomberg L.P.

That would bolster profit at a time when questions abound as to how sustainable the market flurry will be and the slow pace of vaccination in some countries clouds the outlook.Barclays could beat analysts’ profit forecasts with releases, although such a move is more likely in the second quarter when there’s greater clarity on the success of vaccines, according to Citigroup Inc.GreensillWhile Credit Suisse is front and center when it comes to Greensill Capital, the Swiss lender isn’t the only bank exposed to the fallout from the implosion of the supply chain finance firm.

New York timeThe Nasdaq 100 fell 0.3%The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 0.1%The Russell 2000 rose 0.3%The MSCI Emerging Markets Index rose 0.2%CurrenciesThe Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index rose 0.2%The euro fell 0.1% to $1.2071The British pound was little changed at $1.3901The Japanese yen fell 0.5% to 108.63 per dollarBondsThe yield on 10-year Treasuries advanced two basis points to 1.59%Germany’s 10-year yield was little changed at -0.25%Britain’s 10-year yield advanced two basis points to 0.77%CommoditiesWest Texas Intermediate crude rose 0.7% to $62 a barrelGold futures were little changedFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.comSubscribe now to stay ahead with the most trusted business news source.©2021 Bloomberg L.P.

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