Bong Trend – The Ultimate Bengali Entertainment Platform

Intoxicated with stress and load of work, modern life has got really hectic and even leading a normal life has become more of a struggle.

Bong Trend is an ultimate entertainment destination for Bengali people, which provides amazing entertainment content, videos, galleries with lots of information.

Competing with thousands of Bangla news portals, Bangla Hunt stands firmly covering all types of news of West Bengal and India, untouched with biasness for a particular group or organization.

What could be better than having news and entertainment on the same platform ! Being aware of the latest trends in the news with a touch of entertainment is all that we need.

Considering the lack of digital media which is completely dedicated to the West Bengal Tollywood industry, Bangla Hunt brings Bong Trend for readers who are obsessed with entertainment news.

Tollywood name was inscribed from the very first Hollywood-inspired name, dating back to a 1932 article in the American Cinematographer by Wilford E.

This led to the development of ‘Bong’ identity, which symbolized their emotional attachment towards West Bengal and at the same time well integrated with the cosmopolitan environment of India and abroad.

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