Brands go next-level ugly with the Christmas sweater trend | Ad Age

As the season for all things holly and jolly looms closer, brands continue to roll out holiday campaigns aimed at recapturing the warmth after a not-so-merry-and-bright 2020.

Orbit Gum and agency ICF Next took a less family-oriented approach to its new knitwear.

To put the design’s gum where its mouth is, it also features an Orbit dispenser on the front, nestled amid strings of mini, colored lights and a mistletoe attachment.

Functional as both a table centerpiece and insulated food cozy to transport takeout in winter weather, the “Finger Lickin’ Chicken Mitten Bucket Hugger” features a bright red knit with white and green decoration around the restaurant’s logo.

The “Mitten Bucket Hugger” is the centerpiece of a limited-time promotion for KFC’s online ordering app that ends November 11.

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