Can fantasy movies like The Green Knight ever measure up to Dungeons & Dragons?

Even more so than Space Jam: A New Legacy, David Lowery’s film The Green Knight runs on game logic.

Sure, the film is chock-full of meaning, symbolism, and allusion, but its medieval, Arthurian storyline is also the perfect launching point for a game.

The interactivity of gaming is hard to beat, and RPGs take that to the next level by requiring you to create a character mostly out of thin air.

Anyway, thanks to the good folks of Polygon’s video team — Jenna Stoeber, Simone de Rochefort, and Josh Rios — I got to play my first RPG.

But before you do, Jonah Ray and I had a spirited debate about The Green Knight and fantasy films versus games.

It is very “Oh, no, you’ve been tied up by marauders.

But like, when you play it, you know, a story is a game you can find yourself in and you can feel what you would do and what you would do in these situations.

Dave: Sure, sure.

Jonah: Yeah, I mean, you could do that, but you could also play the RPG and have more fun.

Jonah: But roleplaying games allow you to create your own worlds, you know, theater of the mind, Dave.

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