CDC vaccination card works for Green Pass

When Italy began requiring some businesses to scan a Green Pass to enter, Americans living in military communities entered a unique situation – unable to obtain a Green Pass through the Italian government, they are in the position of explaining how Italian health officials now recognize their U.S.

6, Italy has required proof of vaccination to access many establishments – including indoor dining, gyms, pools, theaters, and stadiums. Local transportation will soon be added.

“We rely upon goods and services from Italian establishments, as most of our Soldiers and their families live in local Italian communities here in the Veneto and in Tuscany,” said Col.

In Italy, the CDC card is recognized when entering Italian establishments that require a Green Pass, according to Italian health officials.

The Italian Ministry of Health recently said that “certifications issued by non-EU states,” to include the United States, are accepted in accordance with May 2021 European Union rules.

authorities is recognized as equivalent to the Green Pass and therefore allows free access to the services for which the European green certificate is required.

Many Americans at USAG Italy, in Vicenza and Livorno, were vaccinated on post and only carry the CDC record, a small white card that states when they were vaccinated and what type of vaccination they received.

Meanwhile, USAG Italy leaders are informing Americans living in Vicenza and Livorno of the requirements via their website and social media.

“We have great relationships with Italian merchants in our areas.

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