China spent over $5.5 million at Trump properties while he was in office, documents show

Oh wow, so China spent a shitload of money at Trump properties while he was in office. That’s pretty fucked up. But hey, what about all those other countries? They were spending money too! It’s like some kind of international money-spending orgy. And let’s not forget about Saudi Arabia, they dropped a bunch of cash on Trump properties as well. It’s like they all got together for a big party and just started throwing money at Trump. But you know what? At least Trump said he was going to donate that sweet, sweet foreign money to the US Treasury. What a guy, right? Except, wait a minute… Did he actually do that? I guess we’ll never know because, according to Democrats, there are no records from Mazars related to the cost of the national day event. Hmmm, seems suspicious. But hey, who cares, right? As long as everyone had a good time and Trump made a shitload of money, everything is good. So let’s raise a glass and toast to more international money-spending parties in the future! Cheers! Viva la revoluciĆ³n!