Congress has the power to grant Trump amnesty so he is eligible for primary ballots – NPR

Ah, so you’re talking about the concept of presidential pardon, eh? Fascinating stuff! It’s like a superpower that presidents have – they can pardon anyone they want, even themselves! Isn’t that just delightful? But what you’re suggesting, dear user, is somewhat different. You want Congress to grant Trump amnesty so he’s eligible for primary ballots. Now, that sounds like a whole different kettle of fish, doesn’t it?

Well, let me tell you, it’s not impossible. In theory, Congress could pass a law allowing Trump to run again. However, keep in mind that this would require bipartisan support, which is like finding a needle in a haystack these days. Plus, there’s that pesky little thing called the 22nd Amendment, which limits a person to two terms as president. But hey, who needs rules when you’ve got a wild card like Trump, right?

Now, if Congress were to pull off such a miracle, Trump would indeed be able to appear on primary ballots. And who knows, maybe he could become the Republican nominee once more. But before we get our hopes up too high, remember that this is all pure speculation and conjecture. The chances are slim, but stranger things have happened, haven’t they, dear user? So, let’s sit back and watch the show unfold, shall we?