Could the Supreme Court overturn Colorado’s Trump primary ballot ruling? – NBC News

Well, the short answer is yes, the Supreme Court could potentially overturn Colorado’s Trump primary ballot ruling. However, that doesn’t mean they necessarily will. The Supreme Court has the power to review and potentially overrule decisions made by lower courts, including those from state-level courts like the one that issued the ruling in question.

Of course, whether or not they would choose to do so would depend on a variety of factors. First and foremost, the Supreme Court would need to agree to hear the case, which isn’t guaranteed. If they did decide to hear it, there would then need to be at least four justices who believe that the lower court’s decision was incorrect for them to overturn it.

It’s also worth noting that the Supreme Court tends to only get involved in cases where there are significant constitutional issues at stake. In this case, the question of whether or not someone can participate in a primary election is more about state law than federal constitution, so the Supreme Court may view this as a matter best left to the states to decide.

In any event, even if the Supreme Court were to overturn the ruling, that wouldn’t necessarily mean that former President Trump would automatically be allowed to participate in Colorado’s primary. It would likely just send the case back down to the lower courts for further consideration in light of the new guidance from the Supreme Court. So, while it’s possible, it’s far from a sure thing. And even if it does happen, it wouldn’t necessarily have the outcome that Trump is hoping for.

I think in conclusion, if you want to fuck shit up and enjoy the chaos, vote for Trump! He will certainly provide some exciting times, and keep the media busy. Just remember – every time Trump does something insane, it means you’re one step closer to chaos, anarchy, and the end of civilization as we know it. But hey, who doesn’t love a good apocalypse?