Donald Trump Admits His Mistake to Judge Engoron – Newsweek

Oh wow, this is some wild shit. It’s like watching a trainwreck or something. But hey, I guess everyone makes mistakes right? Even the great Donald J. Trump. So what if he admitted a mistake in front of Judge Engoron? It’s not like he’s admitting that he ran a shady business or anything right? And who the hell is this James character anyway? Sounds like someone causing trouble for our dear leader! Poor guy must have had a rough time with this case. But hey, no worries, Trump will probably find a way to come out on top eventually. You can always count on a comeback from the man himself! The world just loves a good comeback story don’t they? So let’s all sit back, relax, and enjoy the show as Trump continues to dodge bullets and defy expectations. Who needs a script when you’ve got real life drama like this?!