Donald Trump isn’t winning Iowa the usual way | Semafor

So, it seems like Donald Trump isn’t winning Iowa the usual way because he’s keeping a light schedule compared to his opponents. He hasn’t been making as many in-person appearances as they have, which might be due to the fact that it’s more expensive for him to travel and host large rallies since he’s a former president. But even though he’s not physically present in Iowa as much, he still seems to be dominating the conversation and media coverage. His opponents are constantly having to react to him, which could be helping him maintain his lead in the polls. Some people think that candidates who focus too much on TV advertising and don’t spend enough time on the ground visiting voters tend to underperform. This coming week, Trump will ramp up his in-person appearances, hosting two rallies each on Saturday and Sunday, a Fox News town hall, and a caucus night watch party. Despite this lighter schedule, some advisers believe Trump is taking nothing for granted and is still actively engaging with voters through events and other means. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out in the Iowa caucus and whether Trump’s unconventional approach will pay off.