Encore: Paul McCartney on the life and death of John Lennon, 41 years after his death

The occasion was the release of his album, “McCartney III.” He joined me over Zoom just a couple of days after the 40th anniversary of the murder of his bandmate, John Lennon.

And I often just sit there and think, wait a minute, did we go hitchhiking when we were kids? Yeah, we did.

MCCARTNEY: You know, we had arguments, but then I’m reminded that so do families, you know? But yeah, it’s – he was a fantastic guy.

MCCARTNEY: I was leaving my house this morning, and there is a tree.

THE BEATLES: Here comes the sun, do, do, do, do.

MCCARTNEY: So, you know, as I was leaving the house this morning, I get out of the car, close the gate and look up at the tree and say, hi, George.

And like family, with – as the years go past, the things they did that annoy you and get on your nerves, it fades, and you’re able to remember the good times and the laughter and the conspiratorial grins.

But then as the years go by, every time I look at it, I go, that’s the tree George gave me.

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