Find blockchain jobs with the Bitcoin Association jobs board

This means good salaries, career security, and interesting, engaging work as one of the early pioneers of the world’s biggest and fastest growing tech trend.

The curriculum content specialist is a remote role, looking for a candidate with the skills and knowledge to “create training plans, including curriculum content and assessments.” The job involves producing course content and other materials, as well as leading and delivering training sessions on Bitcoin SV.

The technical curriculum specialist which is available as a remote role, or out of offices in London and/or Ljubljana, Slovenia, will be tasked with developing the onboarding process for companies and organizations new to Bitcoin SV.

The roles are being advertised at a time of fast growth for the company, which operates out of the U.S.

BANXA has a number of roles open at the moment, available across Australia, Philippines and Lithuania.

TonicPow is looking to find contractors who can work with their team, available as remote roles from anywhere in the world.

Other vacancies include roles with TAAL Distributed Information Technologies Inc.

All of the jobs listed on the jobs board provide opportunities within this fast-growing, dynamic sector.

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