Hashtag Trending Jan 10 – Robot lawyer, Lab-grown retinal eye cells, First-ever vaccine for …

DoNotPay’s robot lawyer, powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 API, the force behind ChatGPT has proposed to pay $1 million to any lawyer or person with an upcoming case in front of the United States Supreme Court to wear AirPods and let their robot lawyer argue the case by repeating exactly what it says.

A decade after researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison developed a way to grow organized clusters of cells that resemble the retina, a study from the same university demonstrated that these very retina cells can now reach out and complete a handshake.

Department of Agriculture has approved a conditional vaccine for honeybees, designed to protect against American foulbrood disease, a bacteria capable of destroying entire colonies, Engadget reported.

The games played most concurrently were Counter Strike: Global Offensive, DOTA 2, Goose Goose Duck, PubG and Apex Legends.

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