Hashtag Trending March 26 – Kaspersky a security threat; subscription for iPhones

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declared that Kaspersky poses “unacceptable risks” to national security, Kaspersky denied that it has any ties to the Russian government, and invited the critics to evaluate its products based on technical merits.

With the Pixel pass, users pay a monthly fee to get access to Google’s latest phone every two years, as well as expanded cloud storage and YouTube Premium.

According to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, sideloading could “destroy the security of the iPhone.” Some people argued that sideloading is no different from installing third-party apps on a Mac computer, and strongly advocated for more choice.

In addition to extended safety features, the browser can also be easily controlled by admins to stop risky actions, such as data uploads.

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If you’re ever up for a lengthy discussion about the nuances of each of the above sectors or have an upcoming product that people will love, feel free to drop him a line at tli@itwc.ca.

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