Hawkeye introduces Maya Lopez, the star of Echo and a key Marvel player

Without the money to enroll in a school for the Deaf, Maya was forced to develop her ability to lipread in order to interact with the hearing world that wouldn’t accommodate her.

Echo first appeared in the pages of Daredevil, created by David Mack and Joe Quesada , as an antagonist.

Maya was orphaned when her father died while working as an enforcer for Wilson “The Kingpin” Fisk, who you might remember from Netflix’s Daredevil series or Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

She’s dated Daredevil, become buds with Wolverine, was the first person to use the Ronin suit/identity in Marvel Comics, tangled with Elektra and the Hand, and hung around with Moon Knight.

Maya has always been a Native American superhero, but recently in comics she was established as a member of the Cheyenne Nation specifically, rejoined the Avengers and — let me check here — became the host of the Phoenix Force.

Maya Lopez is getting her own Disney Plus spinoff show, and fans are crossing their fingers that the Echo series will reintegrate the world of Netflix’s Daredevil with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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