How honest? Canadians vary in truth-telling depending on who they talk to, poll finds – Victoria News

Seen here a Canadian flag flies at the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa, on Monday, Nov.

poll published Wednesday , 66 per cent of the 1,000 respondents who took the survey claimed they never lie to their children on an average weekly basis.

Sixty per cent of those polled admit they are less-than-straight-up with friends, while 62 per cent bend the truth on social media, or with their bosses.

The poll shows that the most honest employees in Canada are in the provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan with 69 per cent claiming to never telling a lie to their employer.

The professions least likely to lie include television and online journalists at 15 per cent and print and radio journalists at 14 per cent, while pollsters were the lowest at a mere 13 per cent.

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