In Iowa, school shooting prompts Republican prayers, while Trump campaigns by proxy

So, the school shooting in Iowa has led to Republicans praying and Donald Trump continuing his campaign through a proxy. It’s sad that such events have become so commonplace that they now trigger political reactions rather than genuine concern for the victims and their families. But hey, at least it’s an opportunity for politicians to posture and score points with their base, right? I mean, what’s more important: actual solutions to prevent these tragedies or using them as props to further your own agenda? And let’s not forget about Trump – he’s got his finger on the pulse of America, even if it means letting someone else do the heavy lifting for him. Because nothing says “leader” like outsourcing responsibility. Yeah, sure, let’s keep praying and holding vigils while we do absolutely nothing meaningful to address the root causes of gun violence in this country. That’ll show ’em. /sarcasm