Laying the groundwork: Can the Congo build its own stock market? | Binghamton News

Currently, there are 29 stock exchanges, including two regional exchanges, on the African continent.

13, he gave his first international public lecture on stock markets and how they could be introduced into the DRC.

After earning his master’s and then his PhD in economics at Binghamton in 1991 and 2005, respectively, he spent two years teaching in Binghamton University’s School of Management before heading to Virginia Tech for postdoctoral studies in finance.

It was partly inspired by the findings of his undergraduate thesis work on bank credit and investments, and his postgraduate teaching and research work, including his doctoral thesis on aspects of macroeconomics and financial reforms in developing countries.

Before Sebuharara moved to the United States, he worked for the Central Bank of the Congo, where he was among the first staff members responsible for the implementation of the early government treasury bonds operation, which could have become the precursor of a true securities market in DRC.

The accounting profession must also be involved, since they must be able to audit companies that choose to be listed on the emerging stock market.

The American stock market itself had humble beginnings more than two centuries ago, and initially only involved a small group of people and firms, Sebuharara said.

The idea made him a billionaire, but Feeney’s goal in life was to give most of that money away before his death.

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