Miami Plans to Give Out Bitcoin in Its Quest for Crypto Utopia – Gizmodo

Everyone in Miami’s getting free bitcoin, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez told CoinDesk TV on Thursday.

“We’re going to be the first city in America to give a bitcoin yield as a dividend directly to its residents,” Suarez told CoinDesk TV.

It’s unclear how Miami citizens who don’t have access to computers or smartphones or documentation of residency will obtain this bitcoin.

This, plus hooking up Miami with private sponsorships from bitcoin operations, will someday eliminate taxes, Suarez hopes, telling CoinDesk TV that Miami’s attracted and Etoro’s headquarters, the Bitcoin Conference, a sponsorship for “$200 million” to get the naming rights for the county arena , and XBTO to sponsor jerseys for Miami’s soccer league.

That detail hasn’t stopped New York City Mayor Eric Adams from declaring, as his first order of business, that he’s making his own city the “center of the cryptocurrency industry” and taking his first three checks in bitcoin.

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