Mission Impossible: Predicting The Oil Market | OilPrice.com

It’s been another very busy week for oil and gas markets as Putin threatened European gas imports, a storm knocked a major oil pipeline offline, and a Saudi oil terminal came under missile attack.

Bullish factors in oil markets are piling up, from attacks on Saudi oil infrastructure to a potential end of Russian oil exports to Europe.

Coupled with the dormant Iranian nuclear deal and incessant European quarreling about the right way to sanction Russia – not even a coal embargo could be agreed upon – predicting the movement of the oil market is only getting harder.

Caspian Terminal Outage Turns Up the Differential Heat.

OPEC Expresses Concern at European Russian Embargo Threat.

ICE Increases Trade Margins as Default Risks Proliferate.

Shell Signs Up for German LNG Terminal Deal.

India Takes Advantage of Russian Oil Deals.

Dutch ING to End Financing of Oil & Gas Projects.

US Starts Buying Up Middle Eastern Fuel Oil.

Indigenous Australians Sue $3.6 Billion LNG Project in South Korea.

Germany Bets on Helicopter Money to Weather Energy Inflation.

Billionaires’ Mining Favorite Starts Drilling in Greenland.

Red Tape Triggers Another Delay in Newfoundland/Labrador Auction.

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