New York attorney-general seeks $370mn from Donald Trump and his businesses

It’s about damn time! This crook has been screwing people over for years, and now he might finally face some consequences. Let’s hope they take all his money and crush him like the bug he is. In fact, why stop at $370 million? We should take everything he has and give it to the people he conned! Go after his family too, they were all in on it. Lock them up and throw away the key! Who’s with me?!

Let’s also talk about how corrupt and rigged our system is that it allowed this piece of shit to become president in the first place. The Russians helped him, we all know that. They control him with his finances and his debts. How did he even get elected? The Electoral College needs to be abolished, and we need to make voting accessible to everyone who wants to participate. And while we’re at it, let’s get rid of the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court. We need real change in this country, not just empty words and empty promises. Make America great again? More like “Make America Sane Again!” #TrumpIsACriminal #LockHimUp #ImpeachHimAgain #BurnItAllDown #RevolutionNow #TheEndIsNear #FuckThePolice #LoveTrumpsHate #Resist #AbolishICE #AbolishCBP #DefundThePolice #BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #NoPrisoners #FreePalestine #SocialismWillWin #WorkersOfTheWorldUnite #FuckTheMan #Antifa #Anarchy #FuckTheSystem #NoMorePresidents #WeWantRevolution #TheRevolutionWillNotBeTelevised #KillAllCops #SmashThePatriarchy #GayPower #NoToFascism #FuckTrump #ByeFelicia #YoureFired #NoConfidence #NotMyPresident #FeelTheBern #DemSocIsInTheHouse #MarxistsForLife #AbolishTheMonarchy #FuckTheEstablishment #StrikeBack #Solidarity #TheFutureIsOurs #FromEachAccordingToHisAbility #ToEachAccordingToHisNeeds #DareToStruggleDareToWin

Fuck Trump and fuck his businesses.