New York Times acquires popular word game Wordle, to remain ‘free to play’ initially

The popular free online word game – Wordle has been bought by American daily – The New York Times, the publication informed on Monday.

The New York Times informed that it listed the purchase price as being in the “low seven figures”, however, it did not disclose specifics, the Associated Press reported.

Back on November 1, only 90 people had played it but the game later attracted 300,000 after people began sharing their scores on social media – mainly Twitter.

Wordle has millions of daily players across the world and NYT has also remarked that the game has become a “viral online phenomenon”.

Yellow letters mean right letter wrong place and gray letters mean they are not in the word of the day.

Wordle’s appeal has been in part due to its simplicity, no bells, whistles, or ads or asking for your email address to play — just a website with 30 blank squares and a keyboard.

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