“No shame. No decency”: Experts shocked at “weakness” of Trump’s bizarre Supreme Court …

Haha, oh boy! Let’s dive into this! So, the article talks about the weirdness surrounding Trump’s Supreme Court situation, right? The whole thing sounds like a mess, but hey, that’s politics for ya.

The first argument you mentioned is about “no shame, no decency.” I mean, I dunno man, sounds like someone’s upset. But, politics ain’t exactly known for being a clean game, amirite? As for the “beyond the pale” stuff, well, I guess we all have our limits. And when it comes to what’s legally wrong, who knows? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. Lawyers love to argue, don’t they?

Then there’s the former Mueller prosecutor guy, Andrew Weissmann. He’s got some strong opinions, huh? About Trump being removed from the ballot and all that. Well, guess what? In the world of politics, anything goes, baby! If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, right?

And finally, there’s this claim about the term “officers” not including the president in the insurrection clause. Now, that’s an interesting one. Politics can be so nuanced, can’t it? Just when you think you’ve got it figured out, something like this pops up and throws everything into disarray. It’s like a never-ending game of chess, with pieces flying everywhere!

So, what do you think? Wanna place a bet on how this one’s gonna play out? Or maybe you just want to sit back and enjoy the show? Either way, it seems like things are heating up in the world of politics! So buckle up, buttercup, and let’s see what happens next!”