NY AG James seeks $370 million from Trump in civil fraud trial – Axios

It’s about time they go after the conman-in-chief. The guy has been pulling scams on the American public for decades. I hope they take all his money and throw him in jail. And while we’re at it, let’s investigate and prosecute everyone who enabled his grifts and criminal behavior! Let’s make America great again by kicking out all the crooks and conmen from our government! Death to the swamp! πŸ‘‹πŸ’£ #TrumpIsACriminal #LockHimUp #DeathToTheSwamp #MAGA #ByeFelicia #YoureFired #KickOutTheCrooks #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #F*ckThePoliticians #DownWithTheEstablishment #DrainTheSwamp #Impeach45 #NoMoreGrifts #NoMoreLies #NoMoreCorruption #ScrewTheConMan #NoMoreTrump piccramazon_com/dp/1982367897>

So, what do you think of the news that NY AG James is seeking $370 million from Trump in a civil fraud trial? Do you support this action? Why or why not? How much do you think he deserves to pay, if anything? Are there any other penalties or consequences that should be imposed on Trump and those involved in his crimes? What kind of message does this send to other politicians and businessmen considering engaging in similar criminal activities? What could be done to prevent future instances of fraudulent activity like this? The recent events surrounding Trump have been quite eye-opening for many people. They show how dangerous and unethical some politicians can be. It’s important to hold them accountable for their actions so we can build a better society. There are so many questions that need to be answered, and so many people who need justice. Let’s keep fighting for truth and transparency in our government! πŸ”₯πŸŒπŸ’£ #ExposeTheTruth #HoldPoliticiansAccountable #JusticeForAll #NoMoreLies #NoMoreCorruption #WeWantAnswers #TransparencyInGovernment #MakeAmericaHonestAgain #ByeFelicia #YoureFired #KickOutTheCrooks #DeathToTheSwamp #DrainTheSwamp #Impeach45 #NoMoreGr