OpenAirlines launches Green Pilot, a movement of pilots and aviation professionals uniting to …

TOULOUSE, France, April 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — OpenAirlines today announces for the #WorldPilotsDay the launch of the Green Pilot movement.

More than ever, they need to organize their ecological transition, recreate bonds with their customers and show the world how much it is possible to love aviation AND our planet.

OpenAirlines claims that new digital technologies dedicated to operational improvements are already paving the way to a greener future and saving millions of tonnes of CO2 today.

The objective behind the project was to federate airlines, pilots, and aviation enthusiasts around a common goal to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable aviation through an eco-flying movement.

We want Green Pilot to be a global movement of action, recognition, and exchanges, by creating a community of engaged actors, all making efforts to reduce the impact of aviation on the planet.

Airlines can be labeled Green Pilot as well, but we will recognize only those that stand for green excellence and who are already excelling in protecting the environment beyond legal obligations,” says Solveig Moisan, head of Marketing & Communication at OpenAirlines.

Created in Toulouse in 2006, OpenAirlines has drawn on 7 years of R&D before launching its eco-flying software SkyBreathe®.

Today, SkyBreathe® is the most widely used eco-flying solution in the world.

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