Opera Browser Takes a Path-Breaking Shift Into Web 3 – CoinNewsSpan

Opera, the innovative company behind the building of the Web3 browser with integrated crypto wallets, has announced its support for creating major blockchain ecosystems in the form of Ronon and Celo.

The same relationship is seen in integrating POS blockchains and layers into the Ethereum ecosystem.

Jorgen Aronson, the EVP mobile at Opera, opines that Opera has been entering into a partnership since the entry of the Web 3 space in 2018.

In January 2020, the world saw the release of the first public beta version of Opera through the cyber crypto browser project mainly based on desktops and mobile searches.

The emergence of metaverse platforms such as Minecraft and sandbox has led to the explosion of popular gaming decentralized apps in the Solano ecosystems, including top players such as Mycrypto and HeroesAssemble and decentralized games such as Atlantis world.

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