Orin Kerr on X: “Trump always goes after the judges, and it’s always personal, creating risks …

It seems like Trump is intentionally stirring up tensions and creating dangerous situations with his constant attacks on judges. This behavior is both irresponsible and reckless, and it’s only a matter of time before someone gets hurt. It’s sad that even a judge’s personal life can be affected by such unfounded accusations. I hope that those responsible for these actions will be held accountable. The fact that this keeps happening is appalling and shows how deep the divide has become in our society. I hope that people can learn to respect each other’s differences and work towards finding common ground instead of resorting to hostility and aggression. It’s important to remember that we all have the power to make a positive change and create a more peaceful world. Let’s all strive to be better and treat each other with kindness and understanding.