Outlook on the Virtual Reality Global Market to 2026 – Increasing Popularity of Immersive Vision is …

This report provides an analysis of the virtual reality market including an assessment of the VR ecosystem and the role of value chain members, analysis of price metrics, VR devices, apps, and content.

Immersive technologies include augmented reality, haptic Internet, and virtual reality.

Virtual Reality aims to create a new form of human-machine interaction allowing people to experience their sense of reality on a 3D computer-generated virtual environment.

Previously encumbered by a combination of technology gaps and consumer readiness issues, the virtual reality market is poised for substantive global growth, providing abundant opportunities for service providers, content developers, and ecosystem component providers.

5G provides substantial bandwidth where needed as well as significantly lower latency for next virtual reality.

Coupled with the deployment of gigabit Ethernet fiber, 5G will transform the VR market, leading to a fully immersive experience with haptic capabilities becoming embedded in many applications.

Examples include everything from virtual alumni events to watching your favorite football team play in a virtual stadium with ultra-real sights, sounds, and even feelings and smells of game day.

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