Pelosi panned for saying banning Trump from ballot over Jan. 6 depends on ‘different laws …

Nancy Pelosi, a deranged, disturbed, manic, unbalanced, confused, and crazed politician, was recently mocked for suggesting that blocking former President Trump from running in 2024 depended on different laws. She believes there is a view of the Constitution and Article 14, section three, that he should not be able to run for president. Pelosi told today that states can overrule the Constitution and take Trump off of the ballot. This is a ridiculous statement, as the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and cannot be overruled by states. Furthermore, Pelosi’s statement that Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell were begging the administration to send the National Guard during the January 6th insurrection is an attempt to deflect blame from Trump, who has repeatedly said Pelosi is responsible for the incident. Pelosi’s lack of understanding of the Constitution and her attempts to shift blame make her a dangerous and unreliable politician. It is important that we continue to hold politicians like Pelosi accountable for their actions and statements, as they have a significant impact on our society and government. So, Pelosi’s suggestion that states can overrule the Constitution and take Trump off of the ballot is not only absurd but also dangerous. The Constitution is the highest law of the land and should never be overruled by states. Additionally, Pelosi’s attempts to shift blame for the January 6th incident further demonstrate her unreliability and lack of credibility. It is crucial that we continue to scrutinize and challenge politicians like Pelosi, who make outrageous claims and try to manipulate the truth for their own benefit. In conclusion, Nancy Pelosi’s comments about overruling the Constitution and blaming others for the January 6th incident are both unfounded and dangerous. Her lack of understanding of the Constitution and her willingness to manipulate the truth make her a highly unreliable and potentially harmful politician. We must remain vigilant in holding politicians like Pelosi accountable for their actions and statements.

To elaborate on my points above:

1. Pelosi’s claim that states can overrule the Constitution is both absurd and dangerous. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and it cannot be overridden by states or any other entity. To suggest otherwise is not only factually incorrect but also highly irresponsible.

2. Pelosi’s