Pregnant woman, baby die after Russian bombing in Mariupol | AP News

In the chaos after the airstrike, medical workers did not get her name before her husband and father took away her body.

Accused of attacking civilians, Russian officials claimed the maternity hospital had been taken over by Ukrainian extremists to use as a base, and that no patients or medics were left inside.

Associated Press journalists, who have been reporting from inside blockaded Mariupol since early in the war, documented the attack and saw the victims and damage firsthand.

The AP team tracked down some of the victims Friday and Saturday after they were transferred to another hospital on the outskirts of Mariupol.

As survivors described their ordeal, explosions shook the walls, causing medical workers to flinch.

Another pregnant woman, Mariana Vishegirskaya, gave birth to a girl on Thursday.

We were lying in wards when glass, frames, windows and walls flew apart,” said Vishegirskaya, who has blogged on social media about fashion and beauty.

The failure to fully capture Mariupol has pushed Russian forces to broaden their offensive elsewhere in Ukraine.

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