Sonic’s New ‘Best Friend’ Snuck Into Yesterday’s Symphony

I’ve heard tell that a lot of folks had a great time with yesterday’s symphonic celebration of the Sonic the Hedgehog series’ 30th anniversary.

Mutchler was recently recruited by Sega to help capture original gameplay footage for the event, and when it came time to record Sonic Forces, his special friend was waiting for him.

2017’s Sonic Forces banked on the overwhelming popularity and prevalence of Sonic fan characters by allowing players to create their own custom avatar to zip through the game’s desolate, war-torn environments.

Hesse is also known for directing Sonic Mania’s amazing cutscenes and redesigning Sonic’s horrendous original appearance in the live-action movie, so it’s safe to say his sketch was a pretty big step towards cementing Ian Jr.’s canonicity within the Sonic universe.

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