Vence secures strategic funding from Merck, Shell: AFN Exclusive – AgFunderNews

Rotational grazing – or holistic planned grazing – attempts to mimic the natural movement of herds across land whereby they frequently occupy and vacate new pasture, fertilizing and promoting grass growth on the ground they’ve just left and not over-grazing it. While increasing productivity for livestock farmers was and still is the main focus for […]

Hone attracts impact investor for realtime soil carbon test: AFN Exclusive – AgFunderNews

The deal is aimed at helping Hone scale its spectrometry-based solution for soil carbon measurement and follows the startup’s Series A round late last year, which AFN can reveal raised A$6.5 million in funding. Hone is developing a range of different services for the agrifood industries based around handheld spectrometer technology and artificial intelligence. Traditional […]

Moss.Earth is using NFTs, crypto carbon credits to fight climate change – AgFunderNews

The token is also available for trading on major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase, Gemini, and Mercado Bitcoin, and on the Celo network. Since MCO2’s launch, Moss.Earth has sent $30 million to Amazon preservation projects, preserved 301 million trees, and avoided 1.33 million tons of emissions. Founded in 2020, Moss.Earth just raised $10 million in […]

Carbon is not a dirty word: the case for recarbonizing our soils – AFN – AgFunderNews

And yes, these conversations are vital — the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the highest it’s been in over 4 million years. But there’s an equivalent problem nobody seems to be talking about: for all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there’s not nearly enough carbon in the soil. Conversations around soil […]

Purchased carbon credits: 40% over 5 years old, new analysis says – AgFunderNews

However, thousands of credits generated under older, arguably less-rigorous schemes remain ‘in circulation.’ Not only is the positive environmental impact of many of these credits questionable — due to the problem of additionality — but trading them could have a bearish effect on carbon prices, hobbling the nascent market. …Read the full story