Rural productivity needs a good re-think: OECD |

As covered by general media over th epast week, the OECD have released their latest report on New Zealand’s situation in particular in relation to other OECD countries. The report highlights the fact that despite having virtually no government support and being highly exposed to international competition . However, New Zealand with its greater reliance […]

Imports account for half of New Zealand’s carbon footprint |

“Over the last five years household consumption-based emissions have hovered around 42,000 to 43,000 kilotonnes. The common person needs transport because there is no better alternative for many than having more than one car per household , they have to eat and they need power and water. Christchurch council have invested a lot of money […]

When investors are allowed to speculate on bitcoin, they encourage an environmentally disastrous …

But the infrastructure behind internet-based cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, dogecoin and ethereum is more like a rusty travelling circus. Like a never-ending game of Hungry Hippos, each player hammers their mining machines 24/7 to try and scoop up as many bitcoins as possible. Bitcoin’s booming popularity has caused its electricity demand to swell. To maximise […]