The Chi Recap: Kiesha Makes Her Choice, Emmett Learns Jada’s Secret

DOUDA, ROSELYN AND TRACY | Tracy wakes up at the Perrys’ apartment the morning after… whatever it was that happened at the end of the previous episode, and tries to creep out.

KIESHA, NINA AND DRE | After meeting with an annoyingly godly couple who’ve already adopted three other children, Kiesha visits the office where Octavia — aka the woman who wants to raise the baby alone, and whom Kiesha had already turned down — works.

Relieved, Kiesha looks at Octavia and says that she’s going with her instincts, and “my gut keeps telling me it’s you” who should raise the child.

And at the end of the episode, when she sees a text to Dre from Jada saying “Thank you for keeping our secret,” you just know this all isn’t going to end with a calm conversation and a quick fix of the misunderstanding.

That makes things rather testy between the two of them… until he brings EJ to Jada’s house one afternoon and finds her sick from chemotherapy.

So he balks, and Jemma gets mad, and she and Jake wind up being only two of three students who heed the call to protest racism by walking out of class the next afternoon.

“If you don’t handle it quietly,” she promises, “I’m gonna handle it loud as f–k.” That night, Trig visits Nuck, pulls a gun on him and gets many guns pulled on himself in return.

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