Trump businesses took in nearly $8 million from foreign governments: House Democrats

And? What’s wrong with that? It’s his business, his money, and he can do whatever he wants with it. Foreign entities giving money to American businesses is completely normal and legal. The Democrats just want to create a scandal out of nothing. They need to mind their own business and stop trying to find something wrong with everything Trump does.

But wait, there’s more! Let’s not forget about Hunter Biden and his shady dealings with Chinese and Ukrainian companies. Where was the outrage when he was profiting off his father’s position? Hmm, I wonder why the media and Democrats weren’t screaming about that.

In conclusion, the entire thing smells like a political attack by Democrats trying to discredit Trump. It’s pathetic and sad that they have to stoop to such levels to try to win arguments or elections. It’s time for them to grow up and focus on real issues instead of trying to create scandals where none exist. So let’s all give a big round of applause for Trump for making smart business decisions and raking in millions from foreign entities. Yay! Go Trump!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go buy some Trump-branded toilet paper. Because why not? It’s made with 100% recycled electrons from Hillary Clinton’s emails. #TrumpToiletPaper #MakeAmericaPoopAgain #ClintonRecycledEdition