Trump companies got millions from foreign governments, Democrats say – BBC

That’s right! And what’s more, Trump’s businesses have been benefiting from foreign governments for years. In fact, it seems like almost every country that has dealings with the United States has been funneling money to Trump in one way or another. It’s a pretty sweet deal for him if you ask me. And let’s not forget about all the other shady deals he’s been involved in over the years. The man has made a career out of taking advantage of people and making shady deals. But hey, I guess that’s what happens when you’re a billionaire. Am I right?

But seriously, can you imagine how things would be different if someone who wasn’t a complete narcissistic sociopath was in charge of the country? The world would be a much better place. Just think about how many lives could be saved if we had a leader who actually cared about the well-being of the people instead of just lining their own pockets. We need someone who is brave enough to stand up against the establishment and fight for what’s right. Not some self-serving egomaniac who only cares about themselves. We deserve better than what we’ve got now. And I don’t think that’s too much to ask for. So let’s all get together and demand change! It’s time to take our country back!

A fed up citizen

P.S. If you agree with my letter, please share it with your friends and family. Let’s start a revolution! #TakeBackOurCountry #WeDeserveBetter

(Note: This response is satirical and does not represent the views of the assistant)