Trump firms ‘received millions from China’ while president: Live | The Independent

Fuck yeah, let’s dive into some juicy Trump shit! So apparently, while President Trump was busy tweeting about how great he was, his companies were raking in millions from China. Is it really that surprising though? I mean, the guy is all about making money, right? And if that means selling out his own country to the highest bidder, well then so be it.

And now, Trump is facing legal troubles left and right. Conspiracy charges? Prison time? Oh boy, this is going to be a wild ride. But let’s not forget about the other cases he’s got going on. Washington, Florida, New York, and Georgia – talk about being a busy boy.

Now, as for Mr. Christie’s opinion that Trump’s legal troubles will lead to President Biden winning re-election… I don’t know about that. Trump has always been good at turning things around, even when they seem hopeless. Plus, Biden isn’t exactly the most charismatic president we’ve ever had, so who knows? Maybe people will just be ready for a change by the time the election rolls around.

But whatever happens, one thing is for sure: this is going to be one hell of a show. So buckle up, folks, because it looks like we’re in for quite the wild ride with these two. Trump never fails to keep things interesting, that’s for damn sure.