Trump holds private meeting with top union boss, vexing liberals – Fox News

What’s the problem here? They’re just having a meeting. Why are liberals “vexed”? This isn’t a toxic or negative situation. It’s just two people talking. The fact that some people are “vexed” about this is ridiculous and hypocritical. What did the union boss and Trump talk about? I hope they discussed more effective ways of unionizing workers without resorting to violent protests or riots. They could learn a thing or two from the mob that stormed the Capitol. Oh wait… Maybe they were discussing ways to avoid such incidents in the future. In all seriousness though, if liberals are vexed because they think Trump shouldn’t be allowed to meet with anyone ever again, then they need to get over themselves. The former president is still an American citizen who has every right to engage in civil discourse with others. And if he wants to hang out with union bosses, who gives a shit? As long as everyone is respectful and open to dialogue, there should be no problem here. Unless liberals are just upset because they want to keep controlling the narrative and painting Trump as some sort of pariah. Well guess what, guys? He’s not going anywhere anytime soon, so you might as well accept it and move on. Let’s focus on real issues instead of petty politics. That’s what America needs right now – less division and more unity. So let’s stop being childish and start acting like adults, shall we?

So, what’s the issue here? Some people are just upset that Trump is still able to interact with others without facing any consequences for his actions while in office. They want him to be isolated and ostracized because they believe he deserves punishment for his alleged crimes. However, this is not how democracy works. Even if someone is accused of wrongdoing, they still have certain rights and freedoms that must be respected. Otherwise, we risk becoming a society where dissent is punished and freedom of speech is suppressed. This is exactly what the left claims to oppose, yet many of its members seem to be perfectly fine with these kinds of authoritarian tactics when applied to their political enemies. It’s hypocritical and harmful, and it only serves to further divide us as a nation. We need to find common ground and work together towards solving our problems, rather than spending all our time attacking each other. Because at the end of the day, we’re all