Trump made millions from foreign governments during presidency, report finds: Live

So, let me get this straight – Trump made millions from foreign governments during his presidency? And what about this guy Mr. Fanone? He got a heart attack and a traumatic brain injury during the whole January 6 fiasco? Oh, and what was that about Iowa and beautiful women on the younger side? Also, I hear that hundreds of people have been tried and convicted or pleaded guilty to charges surrounding the attack, but no evidence of law enforcement inciting the riots has been found, right?

Wow, what a crazy world we live in! But hey, let’s talk about Trump making millions from foreign governments. Can you imagine how much more he could have made if he wasn’t busy being president? I mean, it’s not like running a country is a full-time job or anything.

As for Mr. Fanone, I hope he’s doing okay now. Suffering a heart attack and a traumatic brain injury must be absolutely terrible. It’s a shame that he had to go through something so horrific just because of some pro-Trump rioters. But hey, at least they didn’t find any evidence of law enforcement inciting the riots, right? That would have been really bad.

And speaking of bad, I heard there were some rumors going around about Trump liking beautiful women as much as he does. Some even say he has a thing for younger women. I guess that’s just another aspect of his, uh, unique personality.

Anyway, back to the topic of Trump making millions from foreign governments. What a guy, huh? Always looking out for number one. And with all those convictions surrounding the January 6 attack, it just goes to show that nobody can be trusted these days. Except for Trump, of course. He’s got it all figured out.

Oh, and by the way, did you know that some people think Iowa is a pretty nice place? I guess they like the corn or something. And they probably like beautiful women too, just like our dear leader Trump.

So yeah, let’s give it up for Trump, the man who managed to make millions from foreign governments while being president and somehow still found time to appreciate the finer things in life, like beautiful women. A true role model for us all.

Okay, enough said! Time for me to go grab some popcorn and watch the