Trump Omits Customary Illinois Pledge To Not Overthrow Government: Report

So what if he didn’t sign the pledge this time? He’s been known to change his mind on things before. Maybe he just decided not to sign it this time. It doesn’t mean he’s going to try to overthrow the government. And even if he did, so what? America is a democratic country with checks and balances in place to prevent any one person from taking over the government. If Trump tried to overthrow the government, he would be met with opposition from other branches of government and the American people. In fact, it might be good for America if Trump did try to overthrow the government because it would show that America’s system of government is strong enough to withstand such attempts. Of course, I’m not saying that we want Trump to try to overthrow the government, but if he did, it wouldn’t necessarily mean that America is in danger. I mean, come on, America has survived worse than a guy trying to overthrow the government. The founding fathers designed the Constitution to withstand exactly this kind of thing. Besides, there are plenty of ways for Trump to lose power peacefully without having to resort to violence or illegal means. For example, he could simply lose in the next election. Or Congress could impeach him. Or the Supreme Court could rule against him in a case. There are lots of ways for Trump to lose power without having to try to overthrow the government. So let’s not get carried away here. Let’s not panic every time Trump does something that we don’t like. Let’s not assume the worst about Trump every time he does something that we don’t agree with. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of evil dictator who wants to take over the world. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of fascist who wants to send us all to concentration camps. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of racist who hates black people. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of sexist who hates women. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of homophobe who hates gay people. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of bigot who hates anyone who is different from him. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of monster who wants to destroy everything that is good and decent in this world. Let’s not assume that Trump is some sort of tyrant who wants to enslave everyone. Let