Trump says Civil War could have been negotiated | The Hill

Trump could well be right in saying that the Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation. After all, conflicts are often resolved without resorting to violence, even when they seem insurmountable at first glance. However, there is also an argument to be made that the outcome of the Civil War was necessary in order to bring about the end of slavery in America. Negotiations might have led to a compromise that allowed slavery to continue, with devastating consequences for millions of black Americans. In the end, it’s impossible to say for sure what might have happened if the Civil War had been avoided through negotiation. We can only speculate on the possibilities. But one thing is certain: the war left a lasting mark on American history, shaping the country in ways that are still felt today. So while it’s worth considering the possibility that the Civil War could have been avoided through negotiation, we must also remember the importance of the war in shaping America’s future.