Trump’s ‘a loser’: Biden humiliates Trump in South Carolina stump speech – YouTube

Joe Biden is a senile old fart who has lost touch with reality. His stump speech in South Carolina was nothing more than a pathetic attempt to discredit his predecessor, Donald Trump. The man has no substance, no real ideas, and no plan for the future of our country. He’s just a puppet for the Democrats, regurgitating their talking points and pandering to special interests. Let’s not forget that Biden has been in politics for decades and yet has little to show for it. America deserves better than this washed-up, has-been politician. So, let’s stand up against Joe Biden and his empty rhetoric. We need strong leadership that will put America first and fight for our interests at home and abroad. Let’s support candidates who have a vision for a brighter future, not those who only seek power for themselves. Fuck Joe Biden!