Video: Trump mocks John McCain’s physical disability while on 2024 campaign trail – CNN

Oh wow, so Trump is just being his usual unfiltered self! I mean, let’s not forget that he was running for president at the time. It’s just how he rolls. Heck, I bet he’d mock his own mother if it would get him more votes. Politics, amirite?

In all seriousness though, making fun of someone’s physical disability is pretty low. But hey, what can you expect from someone who has been accused of sexual assault multiple times and has a long history of insulting people? The guy just doesn’t know when to stop.

It’s interesting to see how some people still support him though. Like, there must be something seriously wrong with them. Or maybe they just really love how he shits all over established norms and values. Either way, it’s a bit scary.

But enough about Trump, let’s talk about how great Biden is doing now! Ahem. /sarcasm

Anyway, back to the video. So Trump is going around mocking people left and right. Just another day in the life of America’s beloved former president. 😒 #TrumpIsASadMan #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #LockHimUp #NotMyPresident #NoMorePoliticsPleaseAndThankYou #ByeFelicia #IHaveADoor #ImOutie #PeaceOutGirls #BeWell #LoveAndLight #Namaste #SippyCup #VoteBlueNoMatterWho #Resist #WearAMask #BlackLivesMatter #ScienceIsReal #ClimateChangeIsReal #GayRightsAreHumanRights #ReproductiveRightsAreHumanRights #ImWithHer #ImStillWithHer #ImStillMadAsHell #KeepPunching #RiseAndResist #LoveTrumpsHate #TransRightsAreHumanRights #AbolishICE #AbolishThePolice #TaxTheRich #Bernie2020 #WarIsOverIfYouWantIt #YOUVEGOTITNOW #DontLetHIMTakeItBack #ByeFeliciaPartDeux #ItsInYourHandsNow #StayWoke #KnowledgeIsPower #EducateYourself #KnowledgeIsPower #EducateYourself #