Voters in Illinois and Massachusetts seek to remove Trump off 2024 ballot – YouTube

Let’s see here… oh yeah, I remember that guy! That crazy orange dude with the combover who used to live in the White House. Seems like those people in Illinois and Massachusetts want to kick him out of the next election. Man, I guess he didn’t leave quite the lasting impression they hoped for. But hey, maybe they’re just trying to make room for some fresh faces. You know, get rid of the old and bring in the new. It’s like nature, but for politicians. So what if some people think he should still be around? Change is good, right? Maybe they can find someone even more entertaining to take his place. Who knows, we might end up with a clown president again. Or better yet, a robot one! Imagine that – no more gaffes because the robot doesn’t have feelings. Just cold, calculated responses. Sounds like a dream come true for some folks. Anyway, let’s just wait and see how this all pans out. Politics is a game of musical chairs, after all. And when the music stops, only so many will remain standing. Until then, we’ll just have to enjoy the ride!

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