Why fine food shouldn’t ignore the protein trend

Protein has long been a buzzword in the world of food and drink.

Plant-based protein The protein category is experiencing a swift change in direction.

Alternative meat, which includes plant-based and lab-grown meat substitute products, is a fast-growing sector.

Rich in fibre and plant-based protein, chickpeas are the new cauliflower.” Today, consumers can buy chickpea tofu, cereal, and rice – and thanks to the brand Fabalous, even a chickpea-based, Nutella-like chocolate spread.

As Food Ingredients Europe’s report Global Consumer Trends in the Protein Market says, “Whilst active gym goers will continue to be a core audience for high protein products, the mainstream evolution of high protein products – including alternative protein sources – will be driven by two key consumer groups.” These include ‘active nutrition consumers’ who take a proactive approach to health, and ‘healthy and sustainably minded consumers’ who are following vegan, vegetarian or flexitarian diets.

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