Yellowstone Recap: The Bigger Bear

Okay, maybe writing it out doesn’t convey it, but with Kevin Costner’s deadpan delivery, that final line made me laugh harder than any other John line in this show.

It pauses progress on pretty much every story from the premiere, instead checking in everywhere else to deal with some less immediately gripping stories.

This seems like a temporary stall, though; only a scene later, Market Equities CEO Caroline Warner has promised Chief Rainwater funding for his casino if he’ll agree to let them move forward with construction.

We didn’t hear much from Jimmy last episode, but “Phantom Pain” starts laying the ground for his departure for the spinoff 6666.

But the development that takes up the most screen time is also the one I’m most mixed on: Beth and Rip take in Carter, the 14-year-old whom Beth met at the hospital and who gets caught trying to rob a convenience store with nowhere else to go.

You don’t deserve it, and you never will.” My main problem is that so far, because the comparison is so explicit, the dynamic is predictable with little new to say about either of them.

It’s jarring to see Beth in housewife mode, but it’s nice to see this new side of her, especially because this episode’s Bob scene assured me the Beth we know isn’t going away anytime soon.

• There are more good quotes to be found in the scene in which Beth meets with her former employers to discuss her severance package.

• This is the last time I’ll complain about Roarke’s premature death, but in every scene with Ellis Steele, I can’t help but wish I was watching Josh Holloway instead.

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